

Did you know that you can possibly qualify for insurance discounts and other incentives for building or remodeling a home to FORTIFIED construction standards?
Keep reading to learn more about incentive programs specific to Louisiana, or call the team at Knockout Inspections to learn more!

BUILD SAFE. Build Strong. Build fortified.

The National standard for resilient construction


About Fortified

Home and business owners across the country are strengthening their properties against storm damage by using FORTIFIED construction standards. Whether you are building new home, roofing, or renovating an existing property, FORTIFIED is affordable and effective way to protect your home.

FORTIFIED is based on over 20 years of research, real-world testing and observations by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS). There are FORTIFIED standards for coastal as well as inland construction. Each standard will reduce damage from the specific weather-related threats a building will face, including hurricanes, hail, high winds, and low-level tornadoes.

Benefits of Fortified

The program starts by focusing on the roof, which is the most important and vulnerable part of every building. 

FORTIFIED goes beyond code. It exceeds most building codes by improving the performance of buildings against natural disasters and reducing the risk of personal property losses.

This unique systems-based approach requires documenting and verifying all aspects of construction to make sure homes and businesses are built to the standard.

A FORTIFIED Evaluator is the only professional who can help you earn a FORTIFIED Designation and take advantage of all the programs benefits.

Knockout Inspections is an IBHS Approved FORTIFIED Evaluator, and can ensure that homes under construction or renovation meet the requirements to receive the FORTIFIED designation.

Why build fortified?

The Fortified Home program makes existing homes more resistant to damage from hurricanes, tropical storms, hailstorms, high winds and wind-driven rain associated with thunderstorms. The Fortified Home standard includes three levels of protection.


Fortified Roof

The FORTIFIED Roof level addresses the roof system. Upgrades reduce wind and water entering the attic through the roof covering and vents.



In addition to the roof system addressed in the Fortified Roof level, the FORTIFIED Home™ Silver level addresses windows, doors and attached structures.



After the roof, openings and attached structures have been addressed, the FORTIFIED Home™ Gold level ties the house together by connecting the roof to the walls to the floors to the foundation, so it acts as one system.

What's in it for me?

Remodeling or building a home to FORTIFIED standards may take time and money, but some of the cost could be recouped through incentive programs and reduced insurance premiums.

Mitigation Programs and Other Incentives

Louisiana Residential Property Storm Mitigation Incentives Insurance premium discounts when a homeowner builds or retrofits a structure to comply with the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code, or installs mitigation improvements demonstrated to reduce the amount of loss from a windstorm or hurricane. Tax deductions for voluntarily retrofitting an existing residential structure to bring it into compliance with the new building code. Exclusions from local sales and use tax when purchasing storm shutter devices for hurricane protection.

Tax Credits

Homeowners can save up to $5,000 or half the costs of home retrofits, whichever is less. This includes FORTIFIED and other construction retrofits the state of Louisiana recognizes.

Compare Insurance Rates

The Louisiana Homeowners Rate Comparison Guide can help you compare homeowners insurance rates among companies based on various examples, including mitigation.

Funding Opportunities for Homeowners

The Louisiana Individual Assistance (IA) Grant Program provides information of Louisiana's FEMA based support for individuals and families in the wake of a Presidentially declared disaster. From grants that provide for special and personal needs, to temporary housing to helping with U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and more, the FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) Program is an important resource for community members recovering from disaster.

See How FORTIFIED Construction Techniques Can Make Your Home safer

Ready to learn more about how you can fortify your home?

Fill out the form below to learn how the Knockout Inspections Team can help you BUILD FORTIFIED!

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